
What Customers Say About Clockwork for Jira

September 17, 2024
Jennifer Choban
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You have a lot of choices in the Atlassian Marketplace. Indeed, the rich ecosystem is one of the things that makes Jira such a great tool. So how do you choose which apps to add to your Jira instance? Customer reviews are one of the best ways to gauge if an app truly provides values.

Reviews are also a great tool for us. Customer feedback tells us what customers like about our apps, and what they’d like to see added. In true Agile style, we use customer feedback – from reviews, support requests, and Product Managers' outreach – to inform our app development. It’s an ongoing conversation that ensures our development meets your needs.

So, here’s what Clockwork for Jira customers are saying.

Time Tracking Shouldn’t Take Time

Clockwork for Jira was conceived around the idea that rich time tracking should not have to take time. We all have better things to do. That’s why Clockwork allow you to put time tracking on autopilot. This feature, unique in the Atlassian Marketplace, uses the issue status and the assignee’s configured working hours to calculate the hours worked, with no input required from the user.

Of course, we recognize that different teams, and different users, have different preferences. That’s why  Clockwork also allows you to manually create worklogs and  to start/stop timers on Jira issues.

If you’d like to learn more about capturing comprehensive time tracking data without any burden on your users, check out our No-touch Time Tracking use case.

Providing Managers and Team Leads with Rich Data

As Pablo alluded to above, one of the benefits of using Clockwork for Jira is that it provides managers with  the information they need. Customers tell us that they use the reports both for monitoring their teams and for improving project planning.

Clockwork timesheet reports provide managers with a detailed view of how their teams spend their time. Timesheets can be filtered and/or broken down by multiple factors, including custom attributes, giving managers a detailed view of time spent; allowing them to identify bottlenecks, team members who are struggling, and anticipated delays.

Using Clockwork reports also enhances manager’s project planning. Realtime data that compares estimated time to actuals helps managers better understand the tempo of their teams works, and to make increasingly more accurate estimations with each iteration.

See this customer story to learn more about how managers use Clockwork timesheets and reports.

Billing and Invoicing

Easy, accurate, customizable time tracking reports are especially important for companies that do work on behalf of other organizations. Whether you’re consulting or creating custom solutions  – you need to be able to accurately capture billable hours associated with a given client. Clockwork’s customizable worklog attributes make it easy to track all of the information you need for quick, precise invoicing.

Support & Responsive Development

Honestly, Clockwork didn’t have all of these features from day one. We consistently add new functionality to the app in response to customers' requests and feedback. It turns out that that in itself is one of our customers' favorite features.  Our fast, nimble team is able to release frequent updates,  continually adding value to the app.

The decision about what features to add is fed by input from our beloved support team. We hire smart, friendly, tech-savvy individuals who are eager to hear about your use cases and obstacles, and work with you in to find a solution.  

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Our heartfelt thanks to all of our customers who have left such kind reviews.  There are some exciting things in our backlog and our team is hard at work, so stay tuned!