Table of Contents


HeroCoders (“We”, “Us”, the “Company”, or “ HeroCoders ”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We want to tell You how we use and protect your personal information or data (“Personal Data”). This includes informing You of your rights regarding your Personal Data that we hold.

We believe that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an important step forward in the protection of your Personal Data, and we have published this Privacy Policy in order to be compliant with the GDPR. We are committed to GDPR compliance across our Company and provide GDPR related assurances in this Privacy Policy. In addition to this, we will also take into account other data protection legislation that may apply to us, most notably, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. Please refer to the dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy to know more about your rights under the California privacy law.

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) covers the information we collect about you when you use our products or services, including all of our SaaS/Cloud software products and our downloadable software products (collectively, the “Apps”) and all public websites (“Website(s)”) provided and/or maintained by HeroCoders, or otherwise interact with us (for example, by contacting us through email, the support portal or applying for a job). We refer to all of these products, Apps, and Websites, together with our other services as “Services” in this Policy. Depending on the context, “You” means the end-user of our products or the legal entity who is the licensee of our products, or the visitor of our public websites.

If you do not agree with this policy, do not access or use our Services or interact with any other aspect of our business.

Who is HeroCoders?

This is HeroCoders’ registered address and contact information:

HeroCoders sp. z o.o.
Zosi 16
Gdansk 80-119


Notice to End Users

Many of our Services are intended for use by organizations. Where the Services are made available to You through an organization (e.g., your employer), that organization is the administrator of the Services and acts as a data controller of your Personal Data, while Herocoders process it on their behalf as a data processor. If this is the case, please direct your data privacy questions to your administrator, as your use of the Services is subject to that organization’s policies.

Administrators are able to:

  1. restrict your access to the Services and therefore restrict your ability to edit, modify or delete your Personal Data; and
  2. access, modify and remove the information about You.

Even if the Services are not currently administered or made available to You by an organization, if You use an email address provided by an organization (such as your work email address) to access the Services, then the owner of the domain associated with your email address (e.g. your employer) may assert administrative control over your account and your use of the Services at a later date.

If You do not want an administrator to be able to assert control over your account and your use of the Services, please use your personal email address to register for or access the Services.

Please contact your organization or refer to your administrator’s organizational policies for more information.

Information We May Collect From You

As a data controller, We may process your Personal Data only if we have identified a specific purpose and a legal basis to do so. In other cases, We may process your Personal Data acting as a data processor on behalf of our customers and solely for the purposes of providing our Services to them.

Information You Give Us

You may give us information about You, for example:

  1. By filling in a form or sending us an e-mail.
  2. By contacting us via e-mail or some other medium to request service or support (e.g., the support portal or Intercom).
  3. Applying for a job at HeroCoders.
  4. Installing and using our Apps.

Email and support portal

When You contact us via e-mail or for service through the support portal, we will collect your name, your email address, and any other information You choose to provide.

HeroCoders Job Portal

We may also receive and process Your personal data when You access the webpage and decide to apply for a job opportunity that We´ve posted by clicking on a job posting on

Social Media

We may receive certain information about You when you interact with our social media accounts.  

Information We Automatically Collect About You / Website

If You visit our Website, we may automatically collect information about You, for example:

  • Technical information;
  • IP addresses;
  • Information about what type of device You use to connect to our Website or Services; and
  • The manner in which You interact with our Services.

Any data or information that is entered into any form on our Services is only used for the indicated purposes or as described in the present Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect About You / Apps

When using our Apps, We may process certain information about You. This information is made accessible to Herocoders since our Apps need to work together with the host products such as Jira from Atlassian,Microsoft Teams from Microsoft and from Ltd.

The scope of the personal data processed and other details of the respective data processing activities can be different and depend on the specific App that You choose to use. To make things more comprehensive for You, We provide more details about this in a separate table available at

Please also note that We are not always directly responsible for the processing of Your information via Apps. You may need to contact the  company that has subscribed to our Services if you wish  to exercise the control over Your personal information.

Information Received From the Partner Platforms

As part of Our Services, We have access to the contact information (e.g., your name, phone number and email address) and license information (e.g., number of licenses, term of the license, etc.) You provide when You subscribe to a license for any of Our Services or when You renew maintenance for Our Services on the Partner Platform.

Why Does HeroCoders Collect Your Data?

HeroCoders may process your data for some or all of the following reasons:

  • To allow us to enhance and personalize your experience and the usability of the Services;
  • To provide support services (including technical support) to You after You have requested or purchased such services;
  • To send You information and updates pertaining to our Services if You have consented to receive such communications;
  • To send You occasional company news, updates, related products and Services, promotions, special offers or service information pertaining to our products and Services if You have consented or requested to receive such communications. You may choose to opt-out of certain e-mail communication at any time by utilizing the “unsubscribe” feature in the e-mail message;
  • To provide information about Services You have shown interest in purchasing within a reasonable time afterwards, if You are already an existing HeroCoders customer;
  • For any other specific purpose for which you have specifically provided consent;
  • To employ You or consider You for employment; or
  • To diagnose problems with our Services;
  • To enhance and otherwise modify our Services;
  • For Herocoders administrative, support and training purposes;
  • To develop other products and services, provided we de-identify your data; and
  • To provide Services to You under contract.

What Legal Basis Does HeroCoders Have For Processing Your Personal Data?

As a data controller, HeroCoders may process your information because:

  • You have given us permission to do so (GDPR Art. 6.1.(a));
  • We have a contract with You (GDPR Art. 6.1(b));
  • It is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject (GDPR Art. 6.1. (c));
  • It is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by other parties (Art. 6.1. (f)).

Where Herocoders acts as a data processor, We will process your Personal Data on behalf of our customers.

Who Might HeroCoders Share Your Information With?

HeroCoders will share the information we have collected about You (including your Personal Data) only if we are required to do so by law, or if:

  • Herocoders engages certain service providers (as detailed below) to process information to support our business and our Services;
  • a third party acquires HeroCoders or substantially all of its assets, Personal Data held by HeroCoders about its customers will be one of the transferred assets of the company;
  • HeroCoders must comply with any legal obligation; or
  • it is necessary in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of HeroCoders, our customers or others.

Additional information about the service providers we use to support delivery of our services and other activities is set forth at Regardless of whether you use our Services, whenever You interact with the content on our social media channels (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn), be aware that Your personal data may be shared with social media management software.

In case your Personal Data is provided to service providers outside the EEA (European Economic Area), We will implement appropriate safeguards to protect your Personal Data, including Standard Contractual Clauses as adopted by the European Commission. Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the EEA.

We reserve the right, consistent with data privacy and other user data protection requirements applicable to the jurisdiction where data is stored, and if mandated by applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental order, disclose user data or other information, but only to the extent required to satisfy those laws, regulations, or orders. Unless prohibited by law or other order, we will provide reasonable notice of any such required or requested disclosure to you and reasonably cooperate to limit such disclosure to the extent allowed by law.

Data Storage

How Long Do We Store Your Data

We store data for varying lengths of time depending on the circumstances:

  • Information You share on the Services is stored until the end- user, who modified or created the text (or any other authorized user), deletes that text and all related information.
  • If Your account is deactivated, terminated, or disabled, all data and content You have provided or that has been provided on or through your account will remain active and accessible for as long as necessary to allow Your team members or other users to make full use of the Services.
  • After uninstalling the App, We store data for ninety (90) days to make sure it is there if you want to renew your subscription and start using the Service again. If you want us to remove the data earlier, please follow the procedure provided below.

Downloadable Apps

Our downloaded Apps store all information in the Atlassian Jira on-premise  product where they are installed. All data is located in your IT system (server or data center) that hosts the Atlassian Jira -  on-premise product.

No information stored on the installation IT system is made available to Us when You download, install, or use the Apps. The Apps do not transmit data from your IT system or from the end-user’s web browser to us or to any third-party.

Information Received From the Partner Platforms

The contact and license information We collect about our customers (i.e. company information and contact information of the contact persons) is stored in our databases for a year after the license expires. However, Atlassian allows us to see the expired license information in the Marketplace admin section according to the Atlassian and Marketplace policies.

SaaS/Cloud Apps

SaaS/Cloud Apps, (e.g. Issue Checklist, To-do Checklist for Team) are hosted by HeroCoders. In that case, we may store the information or data provided by you on our secured servers, but we currently utilize a third-party to provide this service. With SaaS/Cloud Apps, we have access to user information as provided in this Privacy Policy, which may include data regarding how and when the Apps are utilized.

In case of SaaS/Cloud Apps, Your personal data may be stored for varying lengths of time depending on the specific product or Services You use. Specifically, We undertake to remove Your personal information:

  • Issue Checklist Apps - 90 days after the end user has uninstalled the App;
  • Clockwork Apps - 30 days after the end user has uninstalled the App;
  • Checklist for Jira Apps - until Checklist Definitions are deleted from the account by the user
  • Epics Map for Jira -  No Personal Data is stored
  • To-do Checklist for MS Teams -  No Personal Data is stored

Email / Support portal / Job portal

When You contact us via email or through our support portal, we will only store Your personal information for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose of its initial collection. For example, the information contained in your customer request will only be processed until your request is fulfilled.

When You apply for a job position at our webpage, we will store your file for no longer than 24 months after it was collected in case another position fitting for You opens up. After this period, the information provided by You will be deleted.


In case of your Personal Data that may be collected via our Website, we will store the data as long as it is necessary for the purposes it was collected.

Data About You We Store or Transfer

In the case of SaaS/Cloud Apps, We primarily store and process the data or information you provide in the United States of America, it being understood that we do not store any of your Personal Data. Furthermore, in the case of SaaS/Cloud Apps, your Personal Data will never be transferred, out of the host application (Jira) and browser, to us or to any other third-party. For these services, we store only the contact information of the administrator who has installed the app in our CRM system in order to send product-related emails and notifications to them.

However, in the case of downloadable Apps, the information will be stored on Your systems and servers, wherever Your systems and servers are located.

We will use our best efforts to ensure your Personal Data is only processed or utilized, as identified in this Privacy Policy, inside the United States of America. If your Personal Data cannot be processed within the United States of America, we will comply with applicable law and use our best efforts to protect your Personal Data.

What If You Choose Not To Give Us Your Personal Data?

If the Personal Data is necessary in order to supply products or services to You under a contract between You and HeroCoders, then we will not enter into that contract or provide the services or goods if You do not give us Your Personal Data.

Your Rights

HeroCoders will respect your legal rights to your data.

As a processor of Personal Data, we will assist our customers and end users with responding to individual rights requests that they receive under the GDPR. In many cases, customers may be able to address these types of requests by logging into the applicable product and using settings available within such product or your account. Where this is not possible, please contact us to request assistance with any such individual rights requests.

Below are the Legal rights that You have under law, and what HeroCoders does to protect those rights:

The right to be informed

HeroCoders is publishing this Privacy Policy to keep You informed as to what we do with your Personal Data. We strive to be transparent about how we use your data.

The right to access

You have the right to access your information. Our Services give you the ability to access and update or delete certain information about you from within the Service. For example, you can access Jira issue and checklist items stored for that issue and then update or remove checklist items that hold Your information. In certain cases, you may need to contact the administrator of your account or your company’s account. Please contact HeroCoders at if have any questions or You wish to access the Personal Data HeroCoders holds about you.

The right to rectification

If the information HeroCoders holds about You is inaccurate or not complete, You have the right to ask us to rectify it. If that data has been passed to a third party with your consent or for legal reasons, then we must also ask them to rectify the data. Please contact Us at if You need us to rectify your information.

The right to erasure

This is sometimes called ‘the right to be forgotten’. If You want HeroCoders to erase all your Personal Data and we do not have a legal reason to continue to process and hold it, please contact Us at

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to ask HeroCoders to restrict how we process your data. This means We are permitted to store the data but not further process it. We keep just enough data to make sure we respect your request in the future. If You want Us to restrict processing of your data, please contact Us at

The right to object

You have the right to object to HeroCoders processing your data even if it is based on Our legitimate interests, the exercise of official authority, direct marketing (including data aggregation), and processing for the purpose of statistics. If You wish to object please contact Us at

The right to withdraw consent

If You have given Us your consent to process your data but change your mind later, You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and HeroCoders must stop processing your data. If You want to withdraw your consent, please contact Us at

The right to complain to a Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent Data Protection Authority, in particular the one in the EEA country of your habitual residence or place of work if You feel that HeroCoders has not responded to your requests to solve a problem.

Your rights under the laws of California

In case You are a resident of California, You are entitled to certain rights over your personal data under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. Specifically, as a resident of California, You have the right to:

  1. know about the categories and specific pieces of personal data that we have collected about You and access a copy of your personal data (“Right to Know”);
  2. have inaccurate personal data about You corrected (“Right to Correction”);
  3. request deletion of your personal data that we have collected (“Right to Deletion”);
  4. opt out of the sale of your personal data (“Right to Opt-Out”). Please note that we don’t sell personal data to any third parties.

Please note that we may ask you and/or your agent to provide certain information to verify your and/or your agent’s identity and authorization before fulfilling the request. The information We request will depend on your prior interactions with us.

We undertake to treat You like everyone else and not discriminate against You if You choose to exercise your rights. To submit the request to exercise your rights, You can send an email to or contact the administrator of your account or your company’s account.

Data Security

Data provided through the support portal are securely stored on our Atlassian Jira Cloud instance hosted and maintained by Atlassian.

All of the data related to our Products and Apps is stored on servers with restricted access and only HeroCoders’ authorized users have access to such data, to the extent required for the performance of their job duties. All staff with access to customer data are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and complete security and privacy awareness training. In addition, We will take reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your Personal Data. Data transmission over the Internet is inherently insecure and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet.

You are responsible for keeping your passwords confidential. We will not ask You for your passwords.

We assume no responsibility for the deletion of data, loss of data, the corruption of data or the failure to store data. Neither do we have any obligation to monitor the use of the data transmitted or stored through Our Services.

All data you enter into Our Services shall be owned solely by you. Although personal information, usernames, passwords and prompts exchanged through the Our Services are protected by encryption techniques, these security measures still require your responsible behavior in protecting your data. You shall assume the entire responsibility at all times for the supervision, management, control and confidentiality of your data and assume the entire risk for the fraudulent or unauthorized use of your data. You represent and warrant that you have obtained all the necessary rights, releases, authorizations and permissions to provide your data to us, to the transfer and use of your data by Herocoders. You further warrant that the transfer of your data to us does not violate any laws, third party rights, including any Intellectual Property Rights, rights of privacy, or rights of publicity, and any use, collection and disclosure of your data as authorized under this Policy is not inconsistent with the terms of any applicable privacy policies. You acknowledge and agree that Herocoders are not responsible for any deletion, corruption, failure to store or loss of any your data if such deletion, corruption, failure to store or loss is due to an act or omission by you, your employee(s), contractor(s), agent(s), any authorized user or other third party.


What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.

Cookies in our Services

We use cookies in some of our Apps and our Website as detailed below.


Our Website uses cookies to store some information about the way visitors use the website. We may store the information about cookies for up to 2 years after your last visit to our Website.

Epics Map

We use Google Analytics to understand how the users of our App use and engage with it.

Other cookies

We do not use cookies in our Services directly. However, the Atlassian Connect framework and JIRA use cookies in the authentication and authorization process, which are sent to Our servers. These cookies are then employed to secure communication and match the request to customer and end-user data that we store.

Enabling and Disabling Cookies

We can place cookies on your device by default if they are strictly necessary for the use of Services. For all other types of cookies, we need your consent.

Unless you choose otherwise, we can store and process only those cookies that are necessary for the operation of our Services. If you don’t want to be tracked by other types of cookies, you can refuse to give your initial consent or opt out later.

You can check the specific types of cookies in the pop-up window shown during your first visit on the Website.

You may refuse the use of cookies in our Apps by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if You do this You may not be able to use the full functionality of the Website or Services.

View your browser’s help pages or information on how to manage cookies at

Links to Other Websites

From time to time, the Website or Services may contain links to and from other websites, advertisers, and affiliates. If You follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites may have their own privacy notices and that We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any such notices. Please check these notices, where available, before You submit any Personal Data to these websites.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

HeroCoders’ Data Protection Officer contact information:

Paweł Maliszewski
HeroCoders sp. z o.o.
Zosi 16
Gdansk 80-119


Changes to Our Privacy Policy

HeroCoders may change this Policy from time to time in the future. Any such changes will be posted here and, where appropriate, notified to You in writing. We advise You to check back frequently to see any updates or changes.