Articles about software development, engineering, coding, programming languages, and much more!
Rubber ducking is a popular slang term among software developers. Also known as rubber duck debugging, it's a problem-solving technique where a developer explains their code line by line to an object — typically a rubber duck.
Discover how to create Acceptance Criteria lists that improve your software and make teams more agile and more productive.
A developer reflects on what measures should you take to ensure security when working on public networks and what should you do once you return home.
Good product owners are gold. But if they’re not careful, they become vampires, draining strength from their teams. Avoid becoming a vampire PO.
Discover how you can overcome the “planning fallacy” and make more accurate time estimates in your agile projects.
Fixing bugs is just one step in the debugging process. Learn the best practices for finding, communicating, fixing and documenting bugs in software.
Technical documentation has to take info that’s convoluted and complex and make it crystal clear. Here are a few strategies for making that happen.
Ever wondered why Rails will sometimes automatically include params under the model name? Here’s how it happens.
Learn how you can collapse an epic into a single Jira issue until you’re ready to start developing it, allowing you to enjoy a clutter-free backlog.