Debugging is a crucial part of software development, and developers are always on the lookout for techniques that make the process more efficient. One of the simplest yet most effective debugging methods is rubber ducking. This quirky but powerful technique helps programmers identify issues in their code by explaining it out loud to an inanimate object – such as a rubber duck.
But how does rubber ducking work, and why is it so effective?
What is Rubber Ducking?
Rubber ducking, also known as rubber duck debugging, is a problem-solving technique where a developer explains their code, line by line, to an object—typically a rubber duck. The term originates from the book The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, where a programmer carries around a rubber duck and explains their code aloud to it to find bugs.
The idea behind rubber ducking is that by vocalizing the logic of your code, you engage different parts of your brain, allowing you to spot inconsistencies, errors, or gaps in reasoning that you might have overlooked when silently reviewing your code.
Why Does Rubber Duck Debugging Work?
If you’re thinking that anyone recommending that you to talk to a toy is obviously a quack, consider the reasons rubber ducking is so effective:
1. Rubber Ducking Encourages Structured Thinking
Explaining code in simple terms helps you break down complex logic into smaller, more manageable pieces. This structured approach often reveals logic errors that were previously hidden.
2. Rubber Ducking Identifies Hidden Assumptions
It’s easy to make unconscious assumptions when writing code. By explaining your code aloud, you expose these assumptions, making it easier to verify whether or not they’re true.
3. Rubber Ducking Reduces Dependence on Others
Instead of immediately asking a colleague for help, you can use rubber ducking to troubleshoot issues independently. This self-reliance can save time and increase problem-solving skills. (And wouldn’t you rather expose your thinking errors to a duck than to a colleague?)
4. Rubber Ducking Triggers the Brain’s Error-Detection Mode
Saying and hearing your code out loud engages different cognitive processes. Many developers find that simply verbalizing a problem makes the solution obvious. This is where that inanimate object is really important. Remember that the duck can’t read your mind – you have to say it out loud.
5. Rubber Ducking Helps with Documentation
If you can explain your code to a duck, you can probably explain it in comments or documentation as well. You now have the words to make your codebase easy to maintain and understand.
How to Do Rubber Duck Debugging
Rubber ducking is easy. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your debugging process:
Step 1: Find Your Rubber Duck
Your rubber duck doesn’t have to be an actual duck—it can be a stuffed toy, a coffee mug, or even an imaginary listener. The key is to have a “listener” that won’t interrupt or judge your explanation.
Step 2: Explain Your Code Line by Line to the Duck
Start from the beginning of your code and describe what each line or function is supposed to do. Be thorough and assume your listener knows nothing about programming.
Step 3: Look for Discrepancies
As you explain, listen to yourself carefully. If something sounds off, pause and investigate that part of your code.
Step 4: Fix the Problem and Thank the Duck
Once you identify the issue, correct it and test your solution. If the problem persists, repeat the process. Eventually, you’ll likely identify and be able to fix the error. You may be so happy you find yourself singing, “Rubber Duckie, I’m awfully fond of you…”
Common Situations Where Rubber Ducking Helps
You can use this technique in various situations, including:
Rubber Ducking to Identify Bugs
When you’re unsure why your code isn’t working, explaining it aloud can clarify the issue.
Rubber Ducking to Get Familiar with Legacy Code
If you inherit old or poorly documented code, talking through it can help you understand its logic.
Rubber Ducking to Comment Your Code
Explaining your code aloud can give you the words you need to write clearer comments and documentation.
Teaching Others
Rubber ducking is a great way to mentor junior developers or explain concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
Rubber Ducking vs. Pair Programming
While pair programming involves collaborating with another developer, rubber ducking is a solo debugging technique. Both methods are valuable, but rubber ducking is particularly useful when:
- You need to troubleshoot quickly without waiting for someone’s availability
- You want to develop independent debugging skills
- You feel embarrassed about asking, or simply don’t want to distract your colleagues from what they’re doing
Rubber Ducking Jira Workflows
Rubber ducking is great for debugging, but that’s not the only time when speaking out loud to an object can help. Use the rubber duck technique whenever you need help finding or testing for logic errors. It’s a particularly good idea when you’re creating a new custom Jira workflow for another team. Talk through the workflow aloud, naming the statuses and their available transitions. Then, once you’re satisfied with the explanation you’ve given the duck, do it again with the team that will be using the workflow.
Rubber ducking is a surprisingly effective technique for debugging. By explaining your code aloud to an inanimate object, you engage different cognitive processes, making it easier to identify logic errors and bugs. It’s a low-cost, low-pressure way to improve your debugging skills.
And remember, the concept extends beyond code. Whether you’re debugging a tricky script, refining a Jira workflow, or proofreading content, saying it out loud can help.
Oh, Rubber Duckie, I am awfully fond of you! (And if you think that fake fowl is fun check out all the uses for a rubber chicken in the Atlassian Playbook.