
Issue Checklist for Jira: Global Checklists are Here

May 15, 2023
Jennifer Choban
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They’re live. They’re global. They’re managed by Jira admins.  We’re opening the beta for Global Checklists, a signature feature our soon to be released Enterprise app.

What are Global Checklists?

Global Checklists are checklists that are, well, global. They are applied across multiple projects and issue types via a context (similar to a Jira field context).  

Global Checklists are created and managed by Jira administrators. Users interacting with a Global Checklist on an issue can toggle the completion status of the checklist’s items but cannot add, modify or delete items. In this way, Global Checklists are ideal for large organizations that want to standardize procedures across multiple Jira projects and teams.

When an administrator updates a Global Checklist, the changes are immediately applied to existing, open issues that meet the checklist context, as well as to newly created issues meeting the context.

When Should I Use Global Checklists?

Since Global Checklists can only be created, modified, and deleted by Jira admins, they’re a great way to enforce processes and make sure nothing gets omitted. That doesn’t mean we’re advocating a purely top-down approach to work. You and your teams should be able to work in whatever way works best for you.  Now, you can have both Global and Local checklists on any Jira issue. That way, both administrators and users can use checklists to organize their work.

Learn more about Global Checklists and how they differ from Local Checklists.

How Can I Start Using Global Checklists?

This feature is currently in Beta, and we’re happy to turn it on for any of our Checklist Pro customers. Simply contact our support team and let them know you’re ready to go global.  

⚠️ Note that once the feature is fully released, it will only be available in the Enterprise version (upgrade required if you want to continue using the feature).

Want to join the Beta? Contact our support team.