
Understanding Jira Custom Fields

February 13, 2025
Jennifer Choban
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What Are Jira Custom Fields?

Jira custom fields are just that – fields that can be custom created by Jira administrators. This allows you to collect structured data, specific to the needs of any project. You can later use this data in JQL queries and filters, Jira reports, automation rules, workflow behaviors, etc.

In a perfect world, I’d be able to say that there are two categories of fields, standard fields created by Jira, and custom fields that are created by Jira administrators to meet the specific needs of their Jira instance. Alas, the world is not so simple. There are also custom fields that are native to Jira. As Jira evolved over time, new fields were added as custom fields.  For instance, many of the native Jira Service Management fields are custom fields:

Apps from the Atlassian Marketplace may also add custom fields. Checklists for Jira, for example, creates six custom fields that give you access to advanced functionality such as creating automation rules (see below), working with the Jira REST API, or making checklist progress visible on Jira boards.

But the true magic of Jira custom fields lies in the fact that you, as a Jira admin, can create whatever field you want, to collect what ever data you want – another way Jira is flexible enough to work for anything.

How to Create a Jira Custom Field

To create a new Jira custom field:

  1. Log in as a Jira Administrator.
  2. Go to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom fields.
  3. Click Create new custom field.
  4. Select the appropriate Custom field type. Be sure to select the correct type (see below). Click Next.
  5. Enter the name of the new custom field, and (optionally) the description. For choice-type fields (checkboxes, radio buttons and select lists) you’ll be prompted to enter the choice options as well. Click Create.
  6. The field will be created and you’ll be taken to a list of screens. Tick the checkbox for each screen that you want the field to be included on.

**For Cascading select lists, you’ll need to return to the customs field page to configure the options. Click on the menu to the right of the field and select Contexts and default value.

From here you’ll be able to change the field context (issue types and projects where the field is used), add or change choice options, and set a default value for the field.

Jira Custom Field Types

Jira offers multiple custom field types and selecting the right type will impact the usefulness of the field. Choose the most specific type that will allow users to put in accurate information.

Marketplace Apps for Jira Custom Fields

You can expand the number of type options, and custom field functionality by searching for custom fields in the Atlassian Marketplace. You’ll find apps that create collections of custom fields, calculated fields, multilevel select lists, secure fields and more.  Depending on the app, you may need to click into the Advanced tab to select the field type; or you might configure the fields on a separate page created by the app.

Using Jira Custom Fields in Automation

You can use Jira custom fields in automation rules as:

  • Part of the Field value changed trigger
  • A condition (for example,  if Custom field value > 10)
  • An action (for example, to edit the value of the custom field)

When referencing a custom field in a Jira automation rule, the field may be included in the dropdown list:

On the other hand, the field may not be listed. Fortunately, you can still access the custom field, either via a smart value or JSON, but you’ll need the custom field ID.

How to Find the Jira Custom Field ID

In either case, you will need the ID number of the custom field. To find the ID of the custom field:

  1. Log in as a Jira Administrator.
  2. Go to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom fields.
  3. Search for the indicated custom field.
  4. Click the More menu () and select Edit Details.
  5. Copy the URL of the page. The URL will end with the ID number of the custom field.

Using the Jira Custom Field with JSON

If you’re using automation to set the value of a Jira custom field and the field does not appear in the list, click on the More options arrow. This will reveal a text box where you can put in the appropriate JSON to update the field.

Learn more about using JSON in automation rules here.

Using the Jira Custom Field as a Smart Value

Smart values allow you to reference other properties in Jira. To reference a custom field on an issue, find the custom field ID and type issue.customfield_XXX (where XXX represents the field ID) within two pairs of curly brackets: {{issue.customfield_1234}}

For a list-type custom field, you’ll need to add .value to return the selected value.


Learn more about smart values here.

Can You Have Too Many Jira Custom Fields?

It can be tempting to create custom fields for everything. After all, who doesn’t want more data? Along with the ability to create custom issue types and workflows, custom fields are one of the things that makes Jira so flexible. And indeed, some Jira instances have literally thousands of custom fields. But too much of a good thing can be problematic.  

Aside from annoying your users, adding too many custom fields can negatively impact Jira’s performance. When the field count gets into the thousands, it can also be a configuration nightmare. It’s good practice to only add a new Jira custom field if you know you’re going to query the data.

Tips for Keeping Your Jira Custom Field Count Under Control

For those reasons, you should consider available alternatives before creating a new Jira custom field:

  • Use a standard Jira field – What is the purpose of the requested custom field? Could an existing field such as Components or Labels serve that purpose instead?
  • Use a form – In Jira Service Management you can create forms, including forms that are shown on the portal, to collect structured data without creating new custom fields. This is a great way to get needed information from customers without complicating your Jira configuration.
  • If you’re using Jira custom fields to collect billing/cost information (billable hours, customers, CAPEX vs OPEX), you should consider a Jira time tracking tool that allows you to customize your worklog attributes. This allows you to collect and report on specific worklog data without adding to your custom field count.
  • If you use Jira Enterprise, you can take advantage of the built-in custom field optimizer to identify and delete unused custom fields.