
What's New? Highlights from Team '22

May 5, 2022
Jennifer Choban
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In early April, Atlassian held Team ‘22 – its first major in-person event since the start of the pandemic. While we didn’t physically make it to Las Vegas, we were there in spirit.  Like you, we’re excited about some of the new products and features Atlassian announced, and we’re looking forward to integrating some of those new features with our apps.

New Products


In a quest to give teams the right balance of autonomy and alignment, Atlassian is releasing a new teamwork directory that helps users connect across teams, their work and their apps. There’s plenty of evidence that even when everyone is focused on the same goal, teams work differently. The average number of apps used by organizations has increased to 89 (up 24% since 2016), and large companies average 187 apps. Atlas is designed to increase visibility across teams regardless of what apps they use to manage their work. Click here to join the beta.


Compass is a new component catalogue which includes dependency mapping, automated component health scorecards, and an extensibility engine to help development teams search and collaborate across a distributed architecture. Compass incorporates metadata - so you can see information about components, find runbooks, etc.; scorecards so you have a standardized way to measure the health of your components and ensure that they’re production-ready; and an extensibility engine that lets you customize navigation and dashboards, and find the right people when you need help.

Data Lake & Atlassian Analytics

Being in the Cloud means you sacrifice the ability to query the database. Not anymore. Atlassian’s new Data Lake (now available in early access) will allow users to query data from multiple Atlassian tools (Jira Software and Jira Service Management for now, with more to be added over time). Data can be queried using SQL or via Atlassian Analytics, an no-code interface.  Since checklist data can be stored in Jira custom fields, and checklist meta-data is stored in issue entity properties, you’ll be able to include progress on your checklists in your queries.

There are also some new features that caught our attention:

Expanded Automation

In the opening keynote, Atlassian announced that it’s working to make automation available across all of its products (Yes- automation in Confluence!). Like most people who work in Jira Cloud, we are big fans of automation. Automation makes all things possible.  We’ve started publishing sample use cases that show what you can do when you combine checklists with automation and we’re looking forward to creating more examples with expanded automation options.

Enterprise Cloud

In their continuing to commitment to ensuring Atlassian Cloud is a viable option for enterprise organizations, Atlassian announced that they can now support Cloud instances of up to 50,000 users. Post our merger with Okapya, we’re also working on an Enterprise edition of our checklist app, which we hope to release by the end of the year.

Keeping up with the possibilities in the Atlassian ecosystem is both a challenge and a pleasure. We look forward to continuing to develop apps that address your needs and enhance the Atlassian platform.